Fourth Edition

Healthcare Utilization

The diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy is made based on clinical presentation, EDx, blood tests, and occasionally biopsy. Genetic testing is utilized in hereditary conditions, especially for women in their reproductive years, and for affected family members.1

Economic Burden

The burden of entrapment neuropathies and radiculopathy includes direct health care costs related to diagnosis, physical and occupational therapy, pain management, surgical intervention, plus indirect costs due to lost works days and productivity. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common worker’s compensation diagnoses. Radiculopathy from neck or low back conditions also significantly hampers mobility, activities of daily living, and quality of life.

Focal Neuropathy

A focal neuropathy means only one or, at most, a few nerves are injured. Pain, numbness, and weakness are confined to a single limb or a small region of the trunk or head. Focal neuropathies are typically caused by compression or trauma. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example of a focal neuropathy (as described below).


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