Kenneth L. Cameron, PhD, MPH, ATC, Dr. Cameron currently serves as the Director of Orthopaedic Research at Keller Army Hospital, West Point, New York, where he holds faculty appointments with the John A. Feagin Jr. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Fellowship, the US Army-Baylor University Sports Physical Therapy Doctoral Program, and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise and Sport Science from Oregon State University in 1993, his Master of Arts Degree in Exercise Science from San Jose State University in 1996, and Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees from the University at Albany in 2001 and 2004, respectively. Dr. Cameron also completed a Master of Public Health Degree from The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2011. Dr. Cameron’s primary research interests are in the areas of injury prevention, musculoskeletal injury and disease epidemiology, and outcomes associated with the treatment of these injuries, specifically in physically active and military populations. He also has specific research interests in knee and ankle injuries, shoulder instability, and biomarkers associated with post-traumatic osteoarthritis.
Dr. Cameron earned the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service in recognition of exemplary service to the United States Military Academy in 2004 and the Department of the Army Superior Civilian Service Award in 2014. Dr. Cameron’s work has resulted in several research awards. These awards include the Arthritis Foundation’s New Investigator Award (2010), The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health MPH Capstone Research Award (2011), the Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons Founders’ Award for the best scientific paper with military relevance (2011), the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Research Award for the Best Scientific Research Paper presented at the AMSSM annual meeting (2013), and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine’s Best Scientific Poster Award (2011), Aircast Award (2013, 2014, 2015) for the Best Clinical Science Paper submitted by a sports medicine fellow, and O’Donoghue Award (2012, 2014) for the best overall paper which deals with clinical based research or human in-vivo research. In 2015 Dr. Cameron earned designation as a Fellow in the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (FNATA) for exemplary scholarship and service.